Anyway, I did this on Monday and was in agony by Friday. Saturday morning I had B take me to the doctor. After making me cry while she asked me to perform tasks with my arm, she determined that it wasn't a broken bone and thankfully put me on some drugs. Saturday afternoon I was in heaven. My scalene muscles (my estimates based on diagrams) were no longer making me beg for mercy.
A co-worker suggested I see a chiropractor. One did wonders for a pulled muscle in his leg. I'm not one for change. (See earlier posts.) I like my doctors, and I don't get sick often or have to get medications frequently. But if I end up pulling more muscles doing normal things because my mind is younger than my body :( than I just might consider it.
Regardless, let me give thanks to the makers of Vicodin.
Okay...So here's the deal...chiropractor great for keeping spine in line to help prevent some muscle-skeletal injuries, but doesn't really help much after the muscle is already pulled. So going with drugs and ice/heat in combination are usually your best bet.
Thanks for the heads up! With the drugs I really didn't need the cold, but that's what the doctor said. She actually vetoed the heat part. Anyway, tons better now!
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