Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chocolate: Dove Promises, Bananas Foster & Tiramisu

I didn't like them. I received the dozen roses and chocolate from B on Valentine's (What a sweetie!). The roses were beautiful when they opened and are still alive and well. The chocolate, however, has not yet been consumed. It is Dove's Desserts Collection of Dark Chocolate Tiramisu and Milk Chocolate Bananas Foster.

I think my dislike stems from the base of both of these desserts - alcohol. I do not drink because I hate the taste which was recreated without the alcohol in the chocolates. Yuck! I wish I didn't have to say that because it seems like such a waste. All the other chocolates I received for V-Day are well on their way to disappearing. I'm going to take comfort in the fact that B, who didn't receive a tangible gift from me, likes the chocolates just fine.

1 comment:

jo said...

I don't blame you...I don't like the consistency, texture or flavor of the Dove Chocolates either. And banana seems to over power chocolate, although I'm fond of fresh banana's dipped in chocolate.
Nice that you got flowers though. Bill relied on the fact that my birthday card had mini versions of all holiday cards in it, so he claimed he wouldn't need to buy me another card all year.